Underlined titles link to sound files and program notes.
“Testament” (2020) for soprano and three percussion
Poetry of Carolyn Adams
Premiered by Meagan Stapleton (soprano) and SHSU Percussion Group,
Dr. John Lane, director
“Widow’s Grief Song” for soprano and cello
Written for Yuri and Daniel Saenz
Premiered at the Rothko Chapel, April 2012
"Even Now" (2018) for tenor and piano
Poetry of Leon Stokesbury
"Live Oaks Whisper" (2017) for tenor, horn, cello and piano
Poetry of J. Scott Brownlee
Commissioned by New American Voices, 2018
“Notes in a Minister’s Hymnbook” (2014-2016) for baritone and piano
Poetry of Miller Williams
Premiered by Christopher Besch (baritone) and Andrew Schneider (piano)
“Heavenly Vision” for three sopranos
Premiered by members of SHSU New Music Lab. Moores School of Music, November 2012
"Poor Widow Woman" for tenor solo
Written for faculty artist Randolph Lacy
Premiered at Sam Houston State University, November 2009
"Where Leaf Never Growed" - settings of Big Thicket folk songs
SATB chorus
"Loving Henry" - free setting of an East Texas folk ballad
SATB chorus and piano (concertante)
"Lonesome Hills" - fantasy on a Big Thicket folk ballad
SATB chorus and violin (concertante)
Oculus non vidit (2002) for three antiphonal choirs
Written for the BBC Singers
Performed at St. Marylebone Church, London, June 2002